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ICC Czech The Antitrust
- Datum konání: 13.6.2024, 09:30
- Datum ukončení: 13.6.2024, 17:35
- Místo konání: Grandium hotel Prague, Politických vězňů 12, Praha 1
ICC Czech The Antitrust is the first year of the conference organized by the ICC Czech Republic with a focus on current topics of competition law. The conference is intended for the general professional public from the ranks of lawyers, attorneys-at-law, company managers and other interested parties.
Conference will be in English.
Grandium hotel Prague, Politických vězňů 12, Praha 1
Accommodation with a 15% discount will be provided by the hotel's reservation department (reservation@hotel-grandium.cz), enter the "ICC" password.
9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 9:50 Introductory word from the Chairman of the Competition Commission of the ICC Czech Republic
Jiří Kindl - attorney-at-law and partner Skils s.r.o. advokátní kancelář
9:50 - 10:10 Key Note Speech 1: New competition tools for the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition
Petr Mlsna - Chairman of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition
10:10 - 10:30 Key Note Speech 2: Defending high-stake cases before the European Commission: A view from the trenches
Damien Geradin - founding partner Geradin Partners
10:30 - 11:30 Panel 1 - New powers of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition
Robert Neruda - attorney-at-law and partner HAVEL & PARTNERS s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Kamil Nejezchleb - Vice-chairman of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition
Aleksander Stawicki - managing partner and attorney-at-law WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr
Johanna Kübler - partner and attorney-at-law COMMEO
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 - 13:00 Panel 2 - RPM (resale price maintenance)
Jiří Kindl - attorney-at-law and partner Skils s.r.o. advokátní kancelář
Vitaly Pruzhansky - partner RBB Economics
Jürgen Fleiß - senior lecturer University of Graz
Tomáš Krabec - associate professor University of Economics, Prague
13:00 - 14:20 Lunch break
14:20 - 15:20 Panel 3 - Bid rigging
Jiří Mňuk - attorney-at-law and senior associate ROWAN LEGAL, advokátní kancelář
Goran Serdarevic - associate director at Frontier Economics
Juraj Beňa - Chairman of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic
15:20 - 15:50 Coffee break
15:50 - 16:50 Panel 4 - Private Enforcement of Competition Law
Ivana Halamová Dobíšková - attorney-at-law, Allen Overy Shearman Sterling (Czech Republic) LLP, org. složka
Jan Kupčík - attorney-at-law Schönherr Rechtsanwälte GmbH, organizační složka
Miguel Sousa Ferro - professor University of Lisbon Law School, managing partner at Sousa Ferro & Associados
Jan Málek - manager, E.CA Economics
16:50 - 17:05 Closing remarks
Jiří Kindl - attorney-at-law and partner Skils s.r.o. advokátní kancelář
17:05 - 17:35 Glass of wine
3.900 Kč (+ 21% VAT)
- The price includes conference fee, two coffee breaks, lunch and conference materials.
- Standard discounts for members of the ICC Czech Republic apply.
- Registration for the event is binding, no refund.
- Kontaktní jméno pořadatele: Renata Filípková
- Telefon na pořadatele: 727 913 390
- E-mail na pořadatele: filipkova@icc-cr.cz
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