March 2025
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ICC - International Chamber of Commerce - the world business organization, whose mission is to promote open trade and investment and help business meet the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly integrated world economy.
It was established in 1919 in Paris. Today, with interests spanning every sector of private enterprise, ICC’s global network comprises over 6 million companies, chambers of commerce and business associations in more than 130 countries. ICC members work through national committees in their countries to address business concerns and convey ICC views to their respective governments.
ICC conveys international business views and priorities through active engagement with the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the G20 and other intergovernmental forums.
Close to 3,000 experts drawn from ICC member companies feed their knowledge and experience into crafting the ICC stance on specific business issues.
ICC has an unrivalled authority in making rules for the international trade. Although these rules are voluntary (don’t have legislative nature), they are being respected and used in everyday business, thus became one of the most important pillars of international trade.
ICC provides large portfolio of services, among which plays very important role the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Over 92 years of its existence, the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the world’s leading arbitration institution, has handled more than 20,000 cases within the ICC Rules of Arbitration involving parties and arbitrators from some 180 countries.
March 2025
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